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Department of Chinese Literature The Department of Chinese Literature was established in 1990. MA program in Chinese was first started and was one of the earliest five graduate programs of National Chung Cheng University. Undergraduate and Ph. D. programs were founded respectively in 1992 and 1994. The aims based on educational philosophy of the Chinese Department includes the following: 1. To provide the students with the professional proficiency in interpretation, critical thinking, and research in Chinese linguistics, literature and culture; 2. To elevate students’ self-understanding and proficiency in communication in coping with challenge in modern society; 3. To broaden students’ horizon to see and think from Chinese and global, traditional and modern perspective so as to become persons with humane concerns; 4. To prepare students for future pursuit in academic scholarship as well as in professional career; 5. To help students to establish relationship between academic pursuit and practical social obligations. Development After graduation, students can choose to pursue further education in graduate schools domestic or abroad, or to enter into job market in different fields such as teaching, government position, publishing industry, creative writing, secretarial jobs, journalism, advertising, counseling, editing, researching, and many other professions that require literary, cultural and linguistic skills. In addition, recent development provides the opportunity for the students to enter cultural exchange career by teaching Mandarin Chinese, Chinese culture to the non-Chinese world. The job opportunity for Chinese graduates is multifarious and promising.
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